Friday, June 27, 2014

It. Is. ON.

Kinda late but, "YASH, THIS BLOG IS OPANNN!!"

- Kok baru sekarang hore-horenya?
+ Yaiyalah, tiga hari kemaren sibuk customizing sampe lupa hati *eh*

- Customizing aja sampe tiga hari?
+ Hellaaw! When I could make something myself, I wouldn't mind to spend lots of time and loads of efforts to make it, until I satisfied.

- Yakin, udah puas sama design blognya?
+ HmmmNO. HAHAHA. Manusia kan ga ada puasnya, ka-ta-nya. Ya sama dengan ini. Kalo nanti bosen, rombak lagi.

- Wait. Are you doing this site because you love to write or because you love design or...?
+ Both. Plus, customizing site with CSS and HTML is quite a challenge.

- And what should we expect to see on this blog?
+ Words. Stories. Insights. Positivity (hopefully). And a bit of my design, here and there. Mainly my point of view over life issues. You can say this blog is my piggy bank of two cents.

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